
点击 52回复 0 原帖 2021-11-26 14:04




The mind isnarrow, but he hides his thoughts. His eyes are just a small point, but he canlook around the vast world.

——Alexandre Dumasfils

场地属性Site properties


The site is located in the core business districtof Shibei District, Qingdao, right on the subway, with convenient transportation.As the integration and upgrading of rail transportation, the surrounding areais connected to the TOD superstructure complex, the situational commercialarea, the city park and the community clubhouse, forming a multifunctionalcommunity that meets the needs of living, working, shopping, entertainment,traveling and resting at the same time, and planning a beautiful life scenearound the TOD community and beyond.

青岛/一个风里带着故事的滨海城市A coastal city with astory in the wind


Qingdao, a citywith its own halo - the summit city, the city of trillions of GDP, the capitalof sailing, the capital of film and television ...... Qingdao bred Qingdaopeople, they are proud; Qingdao people are classy, and with higher tastes. Andthe desire for quality is the heritage of Qingdao people which is melted intotheir bones and blood.

青科大/一个孕育思想的精神国度The spiritual realm of the mind


The special feature of the project ishidden in the unique culture of the site. The surrounding campus brings to thissite not only a vibrant living sense and a business atmosphere driven by thetechnology industry, but more importantly, the mindset and lifestyle of thehighly intellectual population.

一场关于生活的思想实验The spiritual realm of the mind



The project is set in the context of universities,relying on the precipitated century of cultural heritage, to create ahigh-quality living space for the highly knowledgeable and intelligentclientele. We are thinking of what kind of landscape space design can bettergain the owner's sense of life identity from the owner's life dimension.

We creatively proposed a "culturalcustomization" that matches the attributes of the site, hoping to create ahigh-quality, exclusive outdoor experience space that is highly compatible interms of experience, culture, art and spirit. We want to create a habitat ofthought for the owner, combining literature, art, science and other elements,with the design concept of "thoughtful life", integrating it into theliving environment, touching the depths of the occupants' mind, creating aunique spiritual and cultural life as well as thoughtful living space in thenoisy city.


Make a garden with ideas and an idealspiritual place.


With culture, art and science as thesource, it creates a communication and experience space for literary ritual andtaste, natural art and scientific perception.


Literary ritual and taste - mainentrance welcome space


Natural art - central landscape livingcourtyard


Scientific perception - Theme leisuregarden


1、 以高知客群定制社区的理念出发,如何权衡客户需求与实用功能的比重?

For the conception of the site space,we have made the following reflections.

Starting with the concept of acustomized community for a highly knowledgeable clientele, how to weigh the balanceof customer needs and practical functions?

空间的自然之境The natural environment of space

“文学、艺术、科学 几何”的元素演绎,在空间中渗透,塑造出仪式感及品质感将光影、艺术、场景、体验与自然融合,设计中充分考虑自然的物境、林境、光境,通过材料,色彩,光影,植物的变化,克制的语言、手法述说简约中丰富的内涵,去展演住宅生动、优雅、精致的生活场景,通过设计的质感、温度来缔造一个理想的未来人居生活空间。

The interpretation of the elements of"literature, art, science and geometry" permeates in the space,creating a sense of ritual and quality, integrating light and shadow, art,scene, experience into nature, fully considering the natural physicalenvironment, forest and light realm in the design, through the changes inmaterials, colors, light & shadow, plants, restrained language andtechniques to describe the rich connotation of simplicity, to exhibit thevivid, elegant and exquisite living scenes of the residence, and to create anideal future living space through the texture and temperature of the design.    

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